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The Ultimate Allowance Book - PDF Version

Author: Elisabeth Donati

One fateful shopping trip during the holidays with her 12 year old son opened Elisabeth's eyes to the primary key to teaching kids about money when they are young. The Ultimate Allowance book is the result of that event and in the book she explains how easy it is to make sure your children grow up financially savvy.

The Ultimate Allowance is the only financial parenting book you need to raise money-savvy adults. A step-by-step system to take the money you already spend ON your children and run it THROUGH them instead. This way they get the practice they need to move out and stay out! 

Note: This is a PDF you will download and print at home. 

Also available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle

Price: $9.95

More details:

The simplest way to ensure your kids turn into financially responsible adults. 

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